Sunday 15 July 2007

Getting There!

What a star! Echo is really settling down now. Her stable even looked like it had a bed in it today, rather than looking like a whirlwind had ripped through it, as it has for the last few days! Hopefully this means that she is not running round it so much and is starting to get used to all the noises. Her stable looks out over the sand school and the fields at the back, so she spends quite a lot of time watching what is going on.

Well, today I tied Echo up outside her stable for the first time at the new yard and gave a thorough groom. I left her tied up while I went off to get something, and she stayed where she was, busy eating her haynet. As you can see in the photo, she is looking a bit rough around the edges after her six months in a field, so it will be a while before we can win any turnout classes!

I lunged her yesterday for about 2 minutes, just to remind her of what it is all about and she was very good. Today, I lunged her for a bit longer and on both reins. She's so funny, as she was quite on edge as I led her into the school, but as soon as she was in position, she was in lunging mode and settled down. She trotted round beautifully - no bucking or getting stressed - it's hard to believe she hasn't been lunged for about seven months! She seems to really enjoy her work, which should hopefully be good for the future!

I can tell she's relaxing more, as today we even had an argument over the caravan on the way down to her field - she's walked past it twice a day for the last few days, but today she thought it would be best to give it a wide berth, just in case. So we went past it, and back again, and again and again, until she was persuaded that she could walk calmly next to it! She must be feeling better!

Tomorrow I think we will lunge again, but this time with a roller on and maybe even a bridle. Aren't we getting adventurous!

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Daily adventures while training my young horse.